Saturday June 14th |
The Site For Pilots Passionate About Flying
Aviation Article Archive
Here you will find a collection of the previous articles which we have featured on PPL Mania UK. Just click on the article that you would like to find more about. If there is an article that you can not see listed then please contact us and we will see about getting it added.
What’s involved in getting a PPL (Popular)
A great place to start! Read about obtaining your PPL. We tell you is needed to complete the the JAA PPL flying course. If are just starting out then this is recommended reading.
Aviation Weather Charts (Popular)
Stay safe! Always be sure to check the weather each time before you fly. We give you weather charts for the UK and Europe from an overall summary to wind speeds.
AvRICA African Aviation Charity
Barry Maurer tells to PPL Mania how and why he started an aviation charity that helps the people of Africa. Read Barry’s story on how he became inspired to do something completely different in aviation.
Avoid airspace infringement
The Civil Aviation Authority issues 10 top tips to help the UK pilot avoid infringing controlled airspace.
Landing Gear Stuck
Yorkshire’s Hidden Treasure
It used to be known to a select few, but now Eddsfield has made its mark. A PPL Mania reader shares his thoughts about Eddsfield, Yorkshire.
AVGAS Price Check (Popular)
We hunt down the cheapest and most expensive airports for AVGAS. Save money by filling up at an airfield with the cheapest fuel price.
Combating motion sickness
One PPL Mania reader gives his account about when he started learning to fly, plagued by travel sickness. Read how he overcame the urge to vomit and check out PPL Mania’s top tips to prevent it happening to you.
IM SAFE! – But are you really safe to fly?
It is good practice to carry out the IMSAFE check each time before you fly. We give you the explanation of just what IM SAFE means.
PPL Validity Checklist
Keep your PPL current by ensuring you are legal to fly. Use the flow diagram to navigate through questions and answer yes or no – it will then tell you if you are legal to fly.
Know your V-Speeds
Do you know the different V-Speeds for your aircraft? Take time to brush up on what the different V-Speeds and what they relate to.
Getting your PPL in Florida (Popular)
An account of a PPL Mania reader who provides an insight about what it is like to learn to fly in Florida, USA. Read how he went from a few hours to a fully fledged PPL within a matter of weeks.
Where to buy Pilot Supplies Online
We look at the questions you should ask yourself when buying pilot supplies from the Internet. Check out PPL Mania’s approved online pilot stores to be sure of a safe buying experience.
Just forFun…
Aviation Humour Zone
If you want to pass some time then try our aviation humour zone featuring games, Krassair, Stuart Little, Fly Plane and a Helicopter game as well as various funny flying movies and jokes
The History of the Airplane
An interesting and yet powerful aviation poem by Lawrence Ferlinghetti about the birth of the aircraft and its journey to the present day.
PDA/Smart Phone Themes
Brighten up your iPaq or Smart Phone by downloading aviation themes. These PDA themes are compatible with any device that runs Microsoft Windows CE.
Coming soon on PPL Mania…
Cherished aircraft registrations
Are you a member of APOA
All about form 214 and form 215
The real cost of buying a light aircraft
An insight to Flying Holidays abroad
The basic Pre flight checklist
To buy or not to buy?
What to learn in? Cessna or Piper
Life after the PPL, what next?
Hints for Passengers in Light Aircraft
How to choose the right flight school
Keep up to date with what’s going on at PPL Mania…
We have lots of new articles and features planned in the near future. Register your details with us and we will contact you as and when the new features appear.
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